  English SMS Dictionary


AAM As a matter of fact.

AB Ah Bless!

ADctd2uv Addicted to Love

AFAIK As far as I know

AKA Also known as

ALlWanIsU All I want is You

AML All my love

ASAP As soon as possible

ATB All the best

ATW At the weekend

AWHFY Are we having fun yet


B4 Before

BBFN Bye Bye for now.

BBS Be back soon

BBSD Be back soon darling

BCNU Be seein' you

BF Boy Friend

BGWM Be gentle with me (please)

BRB Be right back

BTW By the way


Cld9? Cloud 9?

Cm Call me

Cu See you

CUIMD See you in my dreams

Cul See you later

CUL8R See you later


Dk Don't know

Dur? Do you remember


Ear to ear grin

EOD End of discussion

EOL End of lecture


F? Friends

F2F face to face

F2T Free to talk

FITB Fill in the Blank

FYEO For your eyes only.

FYA For your amusement

FYI For your information


GF Girlfirend.

GG Good Game

GMeSumLuvin Give me some lovin’!

Gr8 Great

GSOH Good Salary, Own Home

GTSY Glad to see you


h2cus Hope to see you soon

H8 Hate

HAGN Have a good night

HAND Have a nice day

HldMeCls Hold me close

Ht4U Hot for You

H&K Hugs and Kisses


IDK I dont know

IGotUBabe Ive got you Babe

IIRC If I recall correctly

IMHO In my humble opinion

IMI I mean it

ILU I love You

IMBLuv It must be Love

IOW In other words...

IOU I owe you

IUSS If you say so


J4F just for fun

JFK Just for kicks

JstCllMe Just call Me


KC keep cool

KHUF know how you feel

KIT Keep in touch

KOTC Kiss on the cheek

KOTL Kiss on the lips


L8 Late

L8r Later

Lol laughing out loud

LTNC Long time no see

LtsGt2gthr Lets get together


M$ULkeCrZ Miss you like Crazy!

M8 mate

MC merry Christmas

MGB May God Bless

Mob Mobile

MYOB Mind your own Business


NA No access

NC No comment

NE Any

NE1 Anyone

No1 No-One

NWO No way out


O4U only for you

OIC Oh, I see.

OTOH On the other hand


PCM Please call me

PPL People


QT Cutie


R Are

RMB Ring my Bell

ROTFL Roll on the floor laughing

RU? Are you?

RUOK? Are you Ok?


SC Stay cool

SETE Smiling Ear to Ear

SO Significant Other

SOL sooner or later

SME1 Some One

SRY Sorry

SWALK Sent with a loving Kiss

SWG Scientific Wild Guess


T+ Think positive

T2ul Talk to you later

TDTU Totally devoted to you

Thx Thanks

T2Go Time to Go

TIC Tounge in Cheek

TMIY Take me Im yours

TTFN Ta ta for now.


U You

UR You are

URT1 Your are the one


VRI Very


W4u Waiting for you

WAN2 Want to

WLUMRyMe Will you marry Me?

WRT With respect to

WUWH Wish you were here


X! Typical Woman

X Kiss

XclusvlyUrs Exclusively Yours


Y! Typical Man

YBS You’ll be Sorry


ZZZ Sleeping, Bored, Tired

ZOMG Oh My God (Sarcastic variant)



Numeric SMS Dictionary

:-0 hbtu 0-: happy birthday to you

@WRK At work

2bctnd to be continued.

2d4 to die for

2g4u to good for you

2Ht2Hndl Too hot to handle.

2l8 too late

2WIMC To whom it may concern

4e forever

4yeo for your eyes only



Smiley SMS Dictionary

:-) Smiley

(-: Also smiling

:) Smiling without a nose

:' ) Happy and crying

:-( ) Smiling with mouth open

8-) Smiling with glasses

[:-) Smiling with Walkman

:-)8 Smiling with bow tie

{:-) Smiling with hair

d:-) Smiling with cap

C|:-) Smiling with top hat

(:-) Smiling with helmet

:-)= Smiling with a beard

&:-) Smiling with curls

#:-) Smiling with a fur hat

:-D Laughter

;-) Twinkle

;) Twinkle, without nose

:-* Kiss

@}---,--- A rose

:-( Sad

:( Sad, without nose

:'-( Crying

:-c Unhappy

:-|| Angry

:-(0) Shouting

:-< Cheated

>:-( Very angry

:-O Wow

:-| Determined

:-* Bitter

O :-) An angel

:-9 Salivating

:-|/:-I No face/poker face

:-<> Surprised

%-6 Not very clever

:-( ) Shocked

:-~) Having a cold

:-o zz Bored

:- Sceptical

: @ Shouting

:-o Appalled

:-X Not saying a word

|-I Sleeping

|-O Snoring

%-} Intoxicated

:-v Talking

:-w Talking with two tongues

B-) Sunglasses

B:-) Sunglasses on head

8:-) Glasses on head

{:-) Toupee

}:-( Toupee blowing in the wind

=|:-)= Uncle Sam

<:-| Monk / Nun

:^) Broken nose

-:-) Punk

@:-) Using a turban

:=) Two noses

:-# Razes

<|-) Chinese

:-{) With a mustache

:-{} Lip stick

:-? Smoking a pipe


Text Symbols SMS Dictionary

@@@@@:-) Marge Simpson

@:-) John Travolta in 'Grease' quiff

:[ I am a vampire!

((:-/ I am bald

£$£:-) I am rich!

#:-/ My hair's matted, arghhhh!

:-))))))) A person with multiple chins

D:-) Look I am wearing a sailor hat

}:-(= Dracula

:-& Tongue-tied

( '}{' ) Boy and girl kissing

:") Blush

;) Cheeky wink

;-) Flirty

:* Kiss or :-x or *

:x Secret's safe with me

;o) Wink

*^_^* A huge dazzling grin

c|B-) Ali G

o:-) Angel

:*) ? Are you drunk?

£:-) Bad hair day

:-o zz zz ZZ Bored or tired

:-E Bucktoothed vampire

})i({ Butterfly

>^,,^< Cat

####@### Centipede in a sombrero

C=:-) Chef

C8<] Darth Vader

>:-) Devil

};-)> Devil

A: ) Dick head

5:-) Elvis Presley

@:-) Elvis Presley

9) Frog

~B-) Geek

:-% Get Lost

:-]= Goofy

:-) Happy

:-) , I have an outie belly button

:-) . have an innie belly button

#;-) I have tangled hair

:-s I'm not making sense

(-.-)Zzz I'm sleepy

:'-) I'm so happy I'm crying

:***-) I'm wearing body glitter

B-) I'm wearing glasses ( therefore 'cool!')

:-{} I'm wearing lipstick

(-: It's the left hand smiley!

(_x_) Kiss my butt

@(*o*)@ Koala

%-) Like my new glasses

8(:-) Mickey Mouse

<:3 )~ Mouse

}:-( My toupee is at risk from a high wind

:-p Naughty

(:-( Noel Gallagher

:-O Oh no

:-* Oops

=^) Open-minded

:@) Pig

(:::[]:::) Plaster

:-$ Put your money where your mouth is

:-( Sad

:-O Shouting

(8-) Smiley (alternative!)

/(oo)/ Spider

:o) Sticking your tongue out

:-p Sticking your tongue out

:-D Sticking your tongue out

:-@! Swearing

@:-) Wearing a turban

:-" Whistling

¿8-| WWF superstar the Rock (people's eyebrow)

:-(*) You make me sick!

:------------) You're a big liar!

X-( You're mad!



SMS Dictionary - Celebs Symbols

(_8^(l) Homer

@@@@:-) Marge

3 :-) Bart

{ :-) Lisa

{ :-* Maggie

8(/) "Doh!"

{;^d) Robbie Williams

&:-) Justin N*SYNC

{{:-) Ben A1

[:-c)) Craig David

;:-c>~ Shane Boyzone

-:----- Kylie

di:[ Eminem


SMS Dictionary - Original Smiley Faces

:) Original smiley

:-) Classic smiley

;-) Wink

:-)) Very happy

|-) Hee-hee

:-D Laugh loud

:-o Amazement

:^D" Great! I like it!

:-* Kiss

<3 I love you

:-s Confusion

{} No comment

:-C Totally unbelievable

:-X Big wet kiss

:-9 Licking lips

%-) Confused

*:* Fuzzy face

:-@ Screaming

:-7 Wry remark

:-p Sticking out tongue

:-( Frown

:> Develish grin

(:-|K- Dressed to kill

:-|| Angry

::=)) Seeing double

:-> Hey

|:-0 No explanation

#:-) Hair in a mess

>;-(' I am spitting mad

#-) Partied all night

:-| Hmmm

:-& Tongue-tied

~#:-( Bad hair day

:'-( I am crying

:*) I' tipsy

:-o Oh

O:-) Innocent

&:-) Sender has curly hair

(:-... Heart-broken

%-) I'm tipsy but happy

#:-o Oh no!

:-# My lips are sealed

8-) Sender wears glasses

:+( I'm hurt by that

:*)? Are you drunk?

<:-0 Eeek!

:-e I'm disappointed

(-: Sender is left-handed

<:-) Dumb question

~o~ Bird

:@ Ouch!

:-(*) Sick comment

(:-) Bald

:// Frustrated

:3-< Dog

d:-) Hats off to your great idea

:-$ Put your money where your mouth is

:-{) Sender has mustache

|-| Going to sleep

:@) Pig

o/ Praise the Lord

*<:o) Clown

:-{)} Sender has mustache and beard

:=8) Baboon

8^ Chicken



SMS Dictionary Text Lingo

What do all these abbreviations mean?

AFAIK as far as I know

ASAP as soon as possible

B be

BCNU be seeing you

BRB be right back

BTDT been there done that

BUZZ OFF buzz off

BTW by the way

C see

CID consider it done

COZ because

CU see you

CYA see you

DA the

DYLM do you like me

EZ easy

FOTFLOL falling on the floor, laughing out loud

F2T free to talk

GAL get a life

GTG got to go

GR8 great

HAND have a nice day

HOT4U hot for you

H8 hate

IYQ I like you

IMHO in my humble opinion

IMNSHO in my not so humble opinion

IM2GUD4U I'm too good for you

K okay

LOL laughing out loud OR loads of love

L8 late

L8ER later

LV love

M8 mate

MMFU my mate fancies you

MTFBWU may the force be with you

NE any

NETHNG anything

NE1 anyone

NO1 no one

NP no problem

OIC oh, I see

OMG oh, my God

PAW parents are watching

PLS please

PPL people

R are

RTFM read the flippin' manua

RU are you

RUOK are you okay

SOZ sorry

STFU shut the fuck up

SUM1 someone

THANQ thank you

THX thanks

TMB text me back

TTYL talk to you later

TXT BAC text back

TYVM thank you very much

U you

URAQT you are a cutie

URA* you are a star

WAN2 want to

WBS with

WIV write back soon

W/O without

W/E whatever

WKND weekend

WUD? what you doing

WYGOWM will you go out with me

XLNT excellent

Y why

YR your

YYSSW yeah yeah sure sure whatever

1CE once

2DAY today

2MOR tomorrow

2NITE tonight

26Y4U too sexy for you

:o surprised

;/ confused

;& tongue-tied

_/_/ drinks for two

-/-/SOX cool socks


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